HKBU Summer Programmes for High School Students 2024 HKBU Summer Programmes for High School Students 2024


Programme delivered by the School of Chinese Medicine


In this programme, students will learn the basic principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), including the balance of Yin-Yang, the theory of the Five Elements, the TCM’s perspective on the body's organs and the pathways of energy flow. Students will also learn about the properties and smells of Chinese medicinal herbs, and how Chinese medicine practitioner diagnoses and analyzes diseases. Finally, the programme will cover the importance of safety, quality control, and effectiveness assessment of proprietary Chinese medicine, and explain the registration process for proprietary Chinese medicine in Hong Kong.


Learning Outcomes

By joining our program, students will learn:

  • the foundational ideas and theories of TCM.
  • how Chinese medicine practitioners diagnose and treat different illnesses.
  • the technologies used to identify and study Chinese medicinal herbs.
  • the importance of proprietary Chinese medicine to be safe, high-quality, and effective.


  • 中醫藥學的基本觀念和理論;
  • 中醫師如何診斷和治療不同的疾病;
  • 識別和研究中藥材的技術;
  • 中成藥安全性、品質控制和療效的重要性。
Programme Schedule

Online Summer Programme (for Overseas High School Students)

Date Time (HKT) Sessions
12 June 2024 (Wed) 10 am - 12 pm Understand the Basic Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine
13 June 2024 (Thu) 10 am - 12 pm Ingenious Aspects of Medication in Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment
14 June 2024 (Fri) 10 am - 12 pm Exploring the Chinese Medicinal Herbs and Proprietary Chinese Medicine

Face-to-face Summer Programme (for Hong Kong Secondary School Students)

Date Time (HKT) Sessions
15 July 2024 (Mon) 10 am - 12 pm Understand the Basic Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine
16 July 2024 (Tue) 10 am - 12 pm Ingenious Aspects of Medication in Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment
17 July 2024 (Wed) 10 am - 12 pm Exploring the Chinese Medicinal Herbs and Proprietary Chinese Medicine
Programme Details
  • For overseas and Mainland High School Year-11 students or above, as well as Hong Kong Secondary School S4 and S5 students.
  • 3 sessions of Zoom lectures will be conducted in Chinese (Mandarin), while Face-to-Face lectures will be conducted in Chinese (Cantonese).
  • Meet participants from around the world.
Programme Instructor(s)

Kelly Lam_V2 Kelly Lam_V2

Dr. Lam Kelly Yin Ching

Technical Officer, School of Chinese Medicine

Claudia CHENG_V2 Claudia CHENG_V2

Miss Cheng Claudia Ka Yan

Technical Instructor, School of Chinese Medicine

About the School of Chinese Medicine

Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), the first institution funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) to offer undergraduate education in Chinese medicine and pharmacy in Chinese medicine in Hong Kong, established the School of Chinese Medicine (SCM) in 1999.  SCM has, since its inception, been committed to providing quality academic programmes, engaging in cutting-edge research and technology development, offering first-rate Chinese medicine healthcare services, and contributing to the standardisation, modernisation and internationalisation of Chinese medicine.